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Submit Order Payment



Submits payment for a pending order to Bonsai for processing. Orders will be processed once payment is confirmed


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Public ID of the order.

    Example: cldbvy7gt0006hpzo9nyw72ks


    method stringrequired

    Possible values: [credit card, external payment, stripe]

    Payment method used to pay for the order.

    token stringrequired

    Payment token for the order. Each payment token may be used for 1 order.

    currency string

    Possible values: [CAD, USD, GBP, AUD, EUR]

    ISO currency code for the currency that customer payment was taken in.

    amounts object

    Amounts for the order. Required only for external payment method.

    shipping floatrequired

    Total amount of shipping costs, in target currency (ex. USD).;

    taxes floatrequired

    The amount of taxes to be paid, in target currency (ex. USD).

    goods floatrequired

    The amount of goods to be paid, in target currency (ex. USD).


400 - Bad request

    errors object[]
  • Array [
  • status floatrequired
    detail stringnullablerequired
    title stringrequired
  • ]