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Submit Orders



Submits an order to Bonsai for processing. Be careful as these orders will be processed unless Bonsai gets contacted to cancel! - To submit orders in Test Mode, please read our Test Orders Guide



    customer objectrequired
    email emailrequired

    Customer email address. We will be using this email to update the customer about their order

    first_name stringrequired

    Customer first name.

    last_name stringrequired

    Customer last name.

    products object[]required

    Possible values: >= 1

  • Array [
  • public_id stringrequired

    ID of the product

    variant_id stringrequired

    ID of the product variant.

    quantity floatrequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    Quantity of the product variant in the cart

  • ]
  • shipping_address objectrequired
    first_name stringrequired

    Customer first name.

    last_name stringrequired

    Customer last name.

    address1 stringrequired

    The street address of the shipping address.

    address2 stringnullable

    An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address.

    city stringrequired

    The city, town, or village of the shipping address.

    country stringrequired

    The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 format) for the country of the shipping address.

    name string

    Full name.

    province stringnullable

    The two-letter abbreviation of the region of the shipping address.

    phone string

    The phone number at the shipping address.

    zip stringrequired

    The postal code (zip, postcode, Eircode, …) of the shipping address.

    payment objectrequired

    Payment information for an order

    method stringrequired

    Possible values: [credit card, external payment, stripe]

    Payment method used to pay for the order.

    token stringrequired

    Payment token for the order. Each payment token may be used for 1 order.

    currency string

    Possible values: [CAD, USD, GBP, AUD, EUR]

    ISO currency code for the currency that customer payment was taken in.

    amounts object

    Amounts for the order. Required only for external payment method.

    shipping floatrequired

    Total amount of shipping costs, in target currency (ex. USD).;

    taxes floatrequired

    The amount of taxes to be paid, in target currency (ex. USD).

    goods floatrequired

    The amount of goods to be paid, in target currency (ex. USD).

    external_order_id string

    ID of the order provided to Bonsai by the party who placed the order. This can be anything you like, but should be unique per order.

    misc object

    Miscellaneous data for the order. For example, analytics data.

    data objectrequired
    cart_id string

    Unique identifier for the cart

    note string

    Note containing extra information for our team



    data object
    email email

    Email of the customer

    shipping_address object
    first_name stringrequired

    Customer first name.

    last_name stringrequired

    Customer last name.

    address1 stringrequired

    The street address of the shipping address.

    address2 stringnullable

    An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address.

    city stringrequired

    The city, town, or village of the shipping address.

    country stringrequired

    The two-letter code (ISO 3166-1 format) for the country of the shipping address.

    name string

    Full name.

    province stringnullable

    The two-letter abbreviation of the region of the shipping address.

    phone string

    The phone number at the shipping address.

    zip stringrequired

    The postal code (zip, postcode, Eircode, …) of the shipping address.

    shipping_lines object[]
  • Array [
  • title stringrequired

    The title of the shipping method.

    code stringrequired

    A reference to the shipping method.

    price floatrequired

    The price of this shipping method in the shop currency. Can not be negative.

    source stringrequired

    The source of the shipping method.

    tax floatnullable

    Taxes for a specific shipping line.

  • ]
  • line_items object[]
  • Array [
  • name stringrequired

    The title of the product.

    product_id stringrequired

    Unique product identifier.

    variant_sku stringnullable

    variant sku.

    variant_id stringrequired

    The ID of the product variant.

    public_id stringrequired

    Public id of product. These will be the public ids of products requested when placing the order.

    price floatrequired

    The price of the item before discounts have been applied in the shop currency.

    quantity floatrequired

    The number of items that were purchased.

    requires_shipping booleanrequired

    Indicate whether product requires shipping.

    properties object
    name string

    Name of product property.

    value string

    Value of product property.

  • ]
  • total_tax float

    Total amount of taxes to be paid.

    total_duties float

    Total amount of duties to be paid.

    total_price float

    Total amount for entire order.

    public_id stringrequired

    Public id of customer order.

    partner_id string

    This is the public ID of the partner that the sale will be attributed to.

    orderNumber floatrequired

    Order number in the system

    stripeClientSecrets string[]
    payment_description stringnullablerequired

    Customer payment method details. This detail can be shown to the customer.

    note string

    Note containing extra information for our team
