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Get Products



Fetches products information. Typically used for a product page.


Query Parameters

    ids string

    Comma separated list of product ids. Either ids or shortLinks must be provided.

    Example: clad6pg5z00eu012gfz7hfm92,cl62j0yoj00a1013e3hsh3php
    shortLinks string

    Comma separated list of short link IDs. Either ids or shortLinks must be provided.

    Example: j0s,48u
    currency stringrequired

    Possible values: [CAD, USD, GBP, AUD, EUR]

    Currency to return product prices in.

    Example: USD



    data object
    data object[]
  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    Unique product identifier.

    currency stringrequired

    Possible values: [CAD, USD, GBP, AUD, EUR]

    Currency code.

    name stringrequired

    Product name.

    description object
    isRaw booleanrequired

    Whether the description is in raw format.

    raw stringrequired

    Product description

    sections object[]

    Product description sections.

  • Array [
  • title stringrequired

    Product description section title.

    htmlContent stringrequired

    Product description section HTML content.

  • ]
  • brand object
    publicId stringrequired

    Brand public id.

    name stringrequired

    Brand name.

    logo object
    url stringrequired

    Source of image.

    width floatnullable

    Image height.

    height floatnullable

    Image height.

    merchant object
    publicId stringrequired

    Merchant public id.

    name stringrequired

    Merchant name.

    variants object[]required

    Array of product variants

  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    The ID of the product variant.

    productId stringrequired

    Id of the main product.

    sku stringnullable

    The item SKU (stock keeping unit).

    compareAtPrice floatnullable

    Original product price if on sale, otherwise null.

    position floatrequired

    Position of this variant compared to all other variants (the variant index in this array).

    price floatrequired

    The price of this item.

    inventoryQuantity floatrequired

    Inventory of product.

    options object[]required
  • Array [
  • type stringrequired

    Option name.

    value stringrequired

    Option value.

  • ]
  • images object[]required
  • Array [
  • url stringrequired

    Source of image.

    width floatnullable

    Image height.

    height floatnullable

    Image height.

  • ]
  • isFinalSale booleannullable

    Final sale flag if known. Null if unknown

    gtin stringnullable

    GTIN if available; null otherwise

  • ]
  • images object[]
  • Array [
  • contentfulId string

    Contentful image id.

    title string

    Some title.

    url stringrequired

    Source of image.

    format string

    Image format

    width floatnullable

    Image height.

    height floatnullable

    Image height.

    size floatnullable

    Image height.

  • ]
  • publicId stringrequired

    Public id added to product as custom data.

    type string

    Product type.

    unavailable booleanrequired

    Product availability in widget

    gender stringnullable


    hasFreeShipping boolean

    Free shipping flag

    reviews object
    totalRatings floatnullable

    Product total ratings

    starRating floatnullable

    Product star ratings

    merchantCountry string

    Merchant country

    inventory floatrequired

    Inventory of product.

    categories string[]

    Categories of the product; Can be empty array too.

    productURL string

    Url for product on merchant site

    isAfterpayEligible boolean

    Afterpay eligibility flag

    shortLinks string[]
    shippingCosts object[]required

    Shipping costs for the product

  • Array [
  • countryCode stringrequired
    shippingRate floatrequired
    freeIfPassedSubtotal float
  • ]
  • returnPolicy stringrequired

    return policy for the product

  • ]
  • errors object[]
  • Array [
  • id stringrequired

    Unique identifier for error. Can be used for tracing across services.

    status floatrequired

    HTTP status code.

    code stringrequired

    Unique code for specific error.

    title stringrequired

    Short description what the error entails.

  • ]