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Data Exports

Bonsai offers various CSV data exports to help you keep track of events, orders, line items, and refunds. This document provides a comprehensive overview of what data you can expect to receive.

How to Access Data Exports

To access these data exports, you need to reach out to your point of contact at Bonsai. Depending on your integration type with Bonsai, not all export types may be available. For more details on which exports are applicable for you, see the Available Exports section.


To benefit from Bonsai's data exports, ensure you're either using Bonsai UI or processing orders through the Orders API and are using your live API keys. However, test orders and refunds are filtered out from orders, line items, and refunds exports even if placed with live API keys.


Exports are available either once every 24 hours (default) or every 8 hours. To select a cadence, please specify your preference to your point of contact at Bonsai. In either case, data is lagged by 8 hours, i.e., data made available at 16:00 UTC will cover the period from 00:00 to 08:00 UTC for the same day.


The destination for these exports is an AWS S3 data bucket. The bucket name will be supplied to you after you request data exports.


You should use the same AWS keys as described here.


To access the data in the bucket, you can use the AWS CLI or any SDK of your choice. Here is an example command for how to access your bucket data using the CLI:

aws s3 cp 's3://prod-data-export-myaccount/v5/orders/orders_2023-10-26T00-08-28.csv' ./my-orders.csv

Data Retention

Data in the S3 bucket is retained for 3 months. Contractual exceptions may apply. For longer-term storage, pull the data into your own systems.


Versioning of data exports is implemented to protect your integration from breaking changes. Breaking changes are defined as one of the following:

  • A change in the definition or format for an existing export field
  • A change in the ordering of export fields
  • The removal of an export field
  • A change in the grain associated with an export (i.e. the definition of what each line in the export represents)

Please note that a new field could be appended as a new column in existing exports without this being considered a breaking change. As such, please be sure that your integration does not break if there are unexpected fields available in the export that were not previously there.

Breaking and non-breaking changes will be updated in the changelog.

Current Version

The latest version of exports is v5. This version is reflected in the file path associated with the exports. If a new version is released, the path will change. For example: orders may continue to be exported in the path with the prefix v5/orders with the old v5 format, while new v6 orders will be exported with the prefix v6/orders.

Available Exports

Export TypeApplicable ToFile Path (latest version)File Name (example)
EventsBonsai UI clientsv5/events/events_YYYY-MM-DDTHH-mm-ss.csvevents_2023-10-26T00-08-21.csv
Line ItemsAPI and Bonsai UI clientsv5/line-items/line-items_YYYY-MM-DDTHH-mm-ss.csvline-items_2023-10-26T00-08-24.csv
OrdersAPI and Bonsai UI clientsv5/orders/orders_YYYY-MM-DDTHH-mm-ss.csvorders_2023-10-26T00-08-28.csv
RefundsAPI and Bonsai UI clientsv5/refunds/refunds_YYYY-MM-DDTHH-mm-ss.csvrefunds_2023-10-26T00-08-31.csv

Note: Catalog-only accounts will not have access to any exports.

Events Export

The Events export provides basic insights into specific user interactions within the Bonsai UI. Below are the event types you can expect in this export and their respective fields.

Events export example
Event Time,Event,Cart ID
2023-10-25T14:31:21.000Z,Initiate Checkout,3aasunj099y9
2023-10-25T14:23:44.000Z,Add to Cart,3aasunj099y9
2023-10-25T14:20:27.000Z,Cart View,3aasunj099y9
2023-10-25T14:18:44.000Z,Place Order,3aasunj099y9
2023-10-25T14:17:33.000Z,Order Success,3aasunj099y9

Event Types and Descriptions

Event TypeDescription
Add to CartUser adds a product to their cart. Not available in all versions of Bonsai UI
Cart ViewUser views their cart or single product
Initiate CheckoutUser begins checkout with a cart or single product
Submit Shipping InfoShipping information is successfully submitted; user moves forward to the payment information step
Place OrderPayment information is successfully sent
Order SuccessOrder is completed successfully
Order ErrorSomething goes wrong after successfully submitting payment information

Event Fields

Event TimestampTime when the event occurred in UTC, in ISO 8601 format
EventType of the event (e.g., Add to Cart, Initiate Checkout)
Cart IDUnique identifier for the cart

Line Items Export

The Line Items export offers a detailed view of individual products sold in each order.

Line Items export example
Order ID,Order Number,External Order ID,Cart ID,Product ID,Variant ID,Quantity Sold,Product Name,Merchant Name,Order Timestamp,Goods Without Tax
clo925si20000azzodbeggfv7,1001,EXT1001,3aasunj099y9,cks0fz5eo00001sr269h63310,0400151858640,2,"Widget A, Size: L",MerchantX,2023-10-25T14:31:21.000Z,$40.00
clo925si20000azzodbeggfv7,1001,EXT1001,3aasunj099y9,clbdx2e2l0383011h2kzx8cjp,40427980980431,1,Widget B,MerchantX,2023-10-25T14:31:21.000Z,$50.00

Line Item Fields

Order IDUnique identifier for the order
Order NumberHuman-readable order number
External Order IDExternal reference ID for the order, if provided, otherwise "empty"
Cart IDUnique identifier for the cart, or "empty"
Product IDUnique identifier for the product
Variant IDUnique identifier for the product variant
Quantity SoldNumber of units sold
Product NameName of the product
Merchant NameName of the merchant
Order TimestampTime when the order was placed in UTC, in ISO 8601 format
Goods Without TaxCost of goods sold without tax

Orders Export

The Orders export provides an overview of all orders processed.

Orders export example
Order ID,Order Number,External Order ID,Cart ID,Order Timestamp,Total Customer Charge,Goods Without Tax,Goods Tax,Shipping Without Tax,Shipping Tax,Duties

Order Fields

Order IDUnique identifier for the order, generated by Bonsai
Order NumberHuman-readable order number
External Order IDIdentifier from an external system, if provided, otherwise "empty"
Cart IDUnique identifier for the cart related to this order, or "empty"
Order TimestampTime the order was placed in UTC, in ISO 8601 format
Total Customer ChargeTotal amount charged to the customer
Goods Without TaxTotal price of the goods sold without tax
Goods TaxTax charged on the goods
Shipping Without TaxCost of shipping, not including tax
Shipping TaxTax on the shipping cost
DutiesImport duties or tariffs applied to the order

Refunds Export

The Refunds export provides individual refunds granted on individual orders and the reasons stated for these refunds. It is possible to have multiple refunds granted for a single order.

Refunds export example
Order ID,Order Number,External Order ID,Cart ID,Refund ID,Refund Reason,Refund Timestamp,Refunded Goods Without Tax
clo925si20000azzodbeggfv7,1001,EXT1001,3aasunj099y9,R123,Customer Canceled,2023-10-26T10:00:00.000Z,$40.00

Refund Fields

Order IDUnique identifier for the original order, generated by Bonsai
Order NumberHuman-readable order number for the original order
External Order IDIdentifier from an external system for the original order, if provided, otherwise "empty"
Cart IDUnique identifier for the cart related to the original order, or "empty"
Refund IDUnique identifier for the refund transaction
Refund ReasonClassification for the refund reason
Refund TimestampTime the refund was processed in UTC, in ISO 8601 format
Refunded Goods Without TaxTotal amount of goods refunded, not including tax

Refund Reasons

Here are the common reasons for refunds:

Item UnavailableItem out of stock or not available for purchase
Customer ReturnedCustomer returned the item and received a refund.
Customer CanceledCustomer canceled the order before shipment.
ReimbursementMoney returned for an approved claim or payment


  • November 1, 2023
    • Initial documentation for v5 exports.